Dynamic warm-up consisting of 10 x med ball Russian twists, 10 x med ball squat to diagonal raises and 10 x med ball slams for 3 rounds, then:

“Press, Pull, Push 10-1 Workout”

Perform 10 reps down to 1 on each of the following, so 10 of each then 9 of each etc, until done.  Keeps rests to a minimum:

  1. Double kettlebell swings – go heavy  (hip pull)
  2. Ring dips (press)
  3. Kettlebell alternating renegade rows (pull), reps are per arm so 20,18,16 etc
  4. Sandbag or double kettlebell push-press


Kettlebell double arm swings x 60

Eischens Yoga


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