The benefits of meditation include:-

  • Improved concentration – A clear mind makes you more productive and creative
  • Less bothered by little things – Do you sometimes allow yourself to get upset by little things? Sometimes the mind will magnify small things into serious problems. Meditation helps us detach. Learn to live in the here and now, rather than worrying about the past or future. You can’t change the past and the future has not yet happened
  • Better health – There have been numerous studies detailing the health benefits of meditation. Meditation reduces stress levels and rids the mind of anxiety. If we can reduce stress, many health benefits follow
  • Self knowledge – Meditation enables us to have a deeper understanding of our inner self. Through meditation we can gain a better understanding of our purpose in life

Meditation by Jessica Rucker – Master of Sport, Kettlebell Trainer and Natural Fitness Trainer

What is meditation? Meditation is described as a state of being which brings stillness to a person.  This can be doing anything from walking in nature, having quite time or even working out; anything that you do that helps centre you and tunes you into energies is the act of mediation.

The Chatter

Regardless if you’re new to meditation or have been practicing it for some time, you can expect intruding thoughts, it happens to everyone. Focusing on the point in between your eyebrows can help or focusing in the centre of each eyebrow can help calm the chatter. Also, keeping a pencil and paper handy to write these thoughts that do come into your mind can help clear the system and make it easier to meditate.

Where to Meditate

Finding a quiet place where you will not be disturbed is best, this may require that you also find the same time of day to meditate if you have a hectic schedule. Be sure not to get too attached to this time though since it there may be times when mediation at the designated time may not work, so make sure to allow for flexibility.

Body Position for Mediation

If you’re just starting off, it’s best to keep meditation practice short, maybe 5 to 15 minutes in length. Choosing either a sitting or lying-down position with the head flat on the ground so that the spine is straight. If this brings about uncomfortable feelings whether physically or mentally, place a pillow under your knees.

Meditation Warm Up

Getting yourself ready to meditate is much like doing a warm up before a workout. It’s important to let the body and mind know what’s to come. Sit or lie quietly and breathe deeply. Count your exhalations, 1,2,3,4 and breathe in, 1,2,3,4 and breathe in, repeat this until you feel relaxed. Another one to try is relaxing the body from the feet up to the top of the head. Whether you’re lying-down or sitting; deeply relax the body starting with the feet, then ankles, shins, knees, thighs etc; to the crown of the head.

The following are basic, easy meditations from a book called Meditation as Spiritual Practice by Genevieve L. Paulson.

Meditation #1

Sit or lie quietly. Feel your brain gently expanding and quiet. Imagine your breath is going into it, bringing openness. After a few minutes, expand your energy to the space around your head. Be aware of that for a few minutes and then just be. As you stay quiet and open, new information may come in or you may just find that you are more relaxed. However, as you continue to practice this meditation, it will increase your intuitiveness and creativity. You will also find you comprehend information more easily.

Meditation #2

Be in a comfortable position, with your back straight.  Fill yourself with the rainbow colours, one at a time.  If you can’t see them, just imagine they are spreading throughout your body.  Energy follows imagination and it will work just as well.  Start with red, followed by orange, then yellow, green, blue and purple and end with a radiant white.  A total of ten minutes for this is plenty.

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