Box jumps are an excellent exercise for increasing your vertical jump ability and since they are generally done from a dead stop position, they are very good for improving explosive concentric strength and rate of force development. In addition, they are a low impact exercise because when you land from the jump on the box the impact forces you have to absorb are much lower than a regular jump.This allows you to perform a higher volume of jumps and also it takes less time to recover.
Bespoke platforms and boxes are available to purchase but a couple of large tractors tyres are perfect – and free if you speak nicely to your local farmer!
Dynamic warm up: 10 x Hindu squats, 10 x V ups, 10 x med ball Russian twists. Rest 30 secs and perform 3 rounds, then:-
Box jumps ladders – 24″ to 32″: Perform the following ladders for up to 4 rounds, resting briefly between sets:-
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) x 3 to 4 rounds
Finisher: Hindu push-ups x 50 in as few sets as possible.
Eischens Yoga