Dynamic warm-up using a lighter kettlebell than normal. 3 rounds of swings, cleans and half snatches, then:-

Work for 15 seconds, rest for 15 seconds for 10 mins (that’s 20 working sets), change arms each working set, goal is 7 reps per working set with good form:-

  • Kettlebell single arm snatch: M: 16kg to 24kg, F: 10kg to 16kg+

Rest 2 mins then repeat the same protocol with:-

  • Kettlebell single arm clean and press: M: 16kg to 24kg, F: 10kg to 16kg+

Goal for clean & press is 5 reps per working set with good form.

Finisher:- Kettlebell squats (racked single / double or goblet) – as many as possible in 5 minutes

Eischens Yoga

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