The kettlebell long cycle (clean and jerk) is arguably one of the most beneficial exercises you can do. Combine It with interval training and it will also fight stress, boost hormone levels and turn back the effects of the aging clock.
Warm up with several sets of cleans and jerks using a lighter kettlebell than normal and progress to heavier kettlebell, then:-
Complete 5 rounds of the following resting 90 secs to 120 secs between sets – each working set should take about one minute or longer to complete:-
- Double kettlebell long cycle (clean & jerk) x 15 reps
Full recovery, then:-
Work for 30 secs, rest for 30secs for 8 minutes:-
- Kettlebell single arm snatch – change arm each working set
Finisher:- Squat jumps x 50 (weighted or unweighted) in as few sets as possible
Warm down with handstands for 5 to 10 minutes