Warm up with kettlebell swings and around the body passes, then:-
Work for 30 secs, rest for 30 secs for 3 to 4 rounds:-
- Alternating kettlebell swings
- Bodyweight sprawls
- Kettlebell single arm long cycle (clean & jerk) left
- Kettlebell single arm long cycle right
Rest 2 mins then:-
Once through – focus on proper technique and efficiency of movement:-
- 20 secs single arm swings or snatches right
- 20 secs rest
- 30 secs single arm swings or snatches left
- 30 secs rest
- 40 secs single arm swings or snatches right
- 40 secs rest
- 40 secs single arm swings or snatches left
- 40 secs rest
- 30 secs single arm swings or snatches right
- 30 secs rest
- 20 secs single arm swings or snatches left