Warm up with 5 mins of punch bag training, then:-

  1. Kettlebell double cleans  15/15 – work for 15 secs, rest for 15 secs for 3 minutes (6 working sets) – aim for 5 to 6 reps each working set, increase weight if you can complete more than 6 reps with good form
  2. Punch bag – 1 minute
  3. Rest 1 minute
  4. Repeat for 3 rounds

Rest 2 minutes, then:-

  1. Kettlebell double push press  15/15 – work for 15 secs, rest for 15 secs for 3 minutes (6 working sets) – aim for 4 to 6 reps each working set, increase weight if you can complete more than 6 reps with good form
  2. Sprawls – 1 minute
  3. Rest 1 minute
  4. Repeat for 3 rounds

Finisher: 30 x handstand kick-ups


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