“Punch & Slam”

Warm up with rope skipping, then:- 5 rounds, resting 30 secs between rounds:- 2 minutes heavy punch bag combos 20 x Med ball slams 15 x Sprawls Then:- 5 rounds, resting 60 secs between rounds:- 5 x 24″ to 32″ box jumps Kettlebell double cleans x 10...

“Kettlebell Complex Workout”

Warm up with joint mobility and Indian clubs, then:- 4 to 5 rounds with no rest between exercises and 60 secs rest between rounds:- Kettlebell squat to press x 10 Kettlebell double arm swings x 20 (go heavy) Then:- 4 to 5 rounds with no rest between exercises and 60...

“15/15 Clean and Press”

Warm up with joint mobility and / or Indian clubs, then:- “15/15 Kettlebell Clean and Press” Work for 15 secs, rest for 15 secs for 20 minutes (40 working sets!). Change arm each set. Goal =  5 reps per set = 200 reps in total. Then:- Kettlebell double...
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