Warm-up with rope skipping and punch bag combinations, then:- 5 Minute Rounds – work continuously – 1 min per exercise. Rest 2 minutes between each round and complete 4-5 rounds:- Heavy punch bag Sprawls Cable duck unders (cable at waist height) or...
Dynamic warm up using a lighter kettlebell than normal – swings, snatches, cleans and presses, then:- Work continuously for 15 minutes on the following kettlebell combo:- 20 x kettlebell snatches (10 left, 10 right) 4 x kettlebell Turkish get-ups (2 left, 2...
Warm-up with some light kettlebell work – swing, cleans and presses, then:- One round, keeping rest to a minimum:- 50 x kettlebell double arm swings 10 x kettlebell Turkish get-ups (5 per arm) 20 x kettlebell snatches left 20 x kettlebell snatches right 10 x...
Don’t count reps and don’t look at the clock – just practice and do what comes instinctively, just a few ideas but do some of your own:- Handstands Handstand wall walk-ups Walking on your hands Frog balances Cart wheels Gate vaults Kettlebell Turkish get-ups...
Dynamic warm-up using TNT cables:- Alternate punching, alternate rows and Russian twists for 3 rounds. Then:- “Strength Endurance Circuit” Perform 12, 10, 8, 6, 4 and 2 reps on each of the following, with minimal rest:- Double kettlebell clean and press /...