Dynamic body-weight warm-up – 3 rounds, rest 30 secs between rounds: 10 x push-ups, 10 x Hindu squats, 10 x table lifts. Then:- 4 to 6 rounds, 30 to 60 secs rest between rounds:- Handstand wall walk-ups with toes on wall x 3 Sprawls x 10 Hindu push-ups x 10...
Warm up with 10 mins of kettlebell swings, cleans, pulls and snatches using a lighter kettlebell than normal then:- Complete 8 to 10 rounds with 30 to 60 secs rest between rounds:- Double Kettlebell or barbell cleans x 10 Heavy sledgehammer tyre strikes x 10 Then:-...
Warm up with kettlebell swings and cleans, then:- Kettlebell snatch – work for 35 secs, rest for 35 secs for 12 rounds- (change arm each working set. Goal = 14/15 reps per working set) Then:- 4 rounds, rest between each exercise:- *Weighted Jungle Gym / rings...
Warm up with kettlebell swings, cleans, clean and presses and snatches – just practice, don’t count reps then:- “150 Workout” (There will be a 200, 250 and 300 workout later) For time:- 25 x kettlebell double arm swings 10 x Kettlebell Turkish...