Warm up with joint mobility, then:- 4 sets of kettlebell single arm clean and jerk (long cycle) rep range – 10 to 15 per arm Then:- 5 rounds:- Double kettlebell long cycle – work for 90 secs rest for 30 to 60 secs – focus on form and finishing the...
Warm up with kettlebell swings and around the body passes, then:- Work for 30 secs, rest for 30 secs for 3 to 4 rounds:- Alternating kettlebell swings Bodyweight sprawls Kettlebell single arm long cycle (clean & jerk) left Kettlebell single arm long cycle right...
Warm up with 10 mins of kettlebell swings, cleans and snatches using a light kettlebell, then:- 3 rounds, resting 1 to 2 mins between rounds, the goal is not to stop during each round:- Double arm swings x 20 Single arm swings left x 10 Single arm swings right x 10...
Dynamic body-weight warm up: 10 x hip heists, 10 x Hindu squats, 5 x handstand kick ups – 3 rounds with 30 secs rest between rounds, then:- “As Many Rounds as Possible in 20 Minutes” Note total rounds plus exercises and reps completed at 20 minutes,...