Dynamic warm-up using a lighter kettlebell than normal:- single arm swings x 5, cleans x 5, clean & presses x 5 – left and right. Rest 30 secs and repeat for a total of 3 rounds, then:- “5 x 5 pressing” 5 reps per arm for 5 rounds with minimal...
Dynamic warm up using a light kettlebell – focus on the movement and groove of the bell – swings, cleans and snatches, then:- 3 rounds for time:- Kettlebell Turkish get-up x 3 each side Kettlebell clean and jerk (long cycle) x 15 – (use doubles or...
Mobility warm up – body-weight, kettlebells, med ball. Then:- Work for 30 secs, rest for 15 secs for 5 rounds:- Kettlebell push-press – right Kettlebell push-press – left Kettlebell snatch – right Kettlebell snatch – left Finisher: 5...
5 to 10 min dynamic warm up using a lighter kettlebell than normal – swings, cleans and presses, then:- As many rounds as possible in 12 mins with perfect form:- 20 x kettlebell single arm swings (10 per arm) 20 x alternate kettlebell renegade rows (10 per arm)...