Warm up with Indian Clubs and / or joint mobility, then:- “15/15 Double Kettlebells” Work for 15 secs, rest for 15 secs for 4 to 6 rounds (8 to 12 mins) Alternating kettlebell renegade rows Double kettlebell swings Double kettlebell cleans Double...
[kkstarratings] Dynamic warm-up using a lighter kettlebell than normal: Swings, cleans, halos, good mornings, then:- 5 rounds with 30 to 60 secs rest between rounds:- Jungle Gym, ring push-ups with legs raised x 8 to 12 reps Sprawls or burpees x 10 Kettlebell renegade...
Warm up with joint mobility and agility ladders, then:- Complete 15/25/35/25/15 reps alternating between:- Kettlebell swings or snatches Bodyweight squats or sprawls Then:- 15 minutes kettlebell free practice – cleans, jerks and snatches. Eischens...
Warm-up with joint mobility and kettlebell single and double cleans, then:- Work for 15 secs, rest for 15 secs for 4 minutes (8 sets) on each exercise:- Kettlebell double cleans – aim for 6 reps per working set Kettlebell double clean & press – aim for...