Dynamic warm up using a lighter kettlebell than normal – swings, cleans & snatches, then:- Work for 40 secs rest for 20 secs for 3-4 rounds:- Sprints on agility ladders Kettlebell snatch left Battle ropes Sprawls Kettlebell snatch left Med ball touch downs...
Dynamic body-weight warm-up for 3 rounds:- Hip Heists x 10, vertical jumps x 10, push-ups x 10, then:- “15/15 workout” Kettlebell single arm snatches; work 15 seconds, rest 15 seconds for 12 minutes (24 working sets) – change arms each working set. Target = 6 to 8...
Dynamic warm up for 5 to 10 minutes on the punchbag and speed ball, then:- 5 rounds, resting 60 secs between rounds:- Plyo-push-ups x 5 @ max effort Handstand wall walk ups (toes on wall) x 3-5 Jungle Gym / ring dips x 8-12 Then:- 10 to 15 minutes kettlebell jerk...
Warm up with 6 rounds of: Thai knee kicks x 2, push-ups x 2, sprawls x 2, then:- 5 rounds with 60 secs recovery between rounds:- Sandbag overhead press (@50%+ body-weight) x 10 Push-ups x 10 Alternating TNT cable punching x 50 Finisher: 5 minutes Kettlebell Turkish...
Warm up with Indian clubs and kettlebell swings, then:- Complete 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 reps, alternating between the following and do 2 to 3 rounds as fast as possible with perfect form:- Kettlebell double cleans (go heavy) Sprawls Then:- Bear squat to Hindu...
Dynamic warm up using a lighter kettlebell than normal – swings and presses, then:- Work for 45 secs, rest for 75 secs for 10 rounds:- Double kettlebell long cycle (clean and jerk) – pacing: 5 or 6 reps per working set Then:- Ring push-ups – prison...
Dynamic warm up with Indian clubs and kettlebell swings, then:- Complete 10, 8, 6, 4 and 2 reps, resting 30 secs between sets:- Sprawl to kettlebell snatch Then:- Complete 10, 8, 6, 4 and 2 reps, alternating between the following and resting 30 secs between rounds:-...
Dynamic warm-up with 5 to 10 mins of general kettlebell work, then:- Work for 20 secs (at max rate) rest for 10 secs for 8 rounds (4 minutes) on each of the following. Recover in full between each exercise:- Sprawls Sledge hammer tyre strikes Box jumps or squats...
Warm up with Indian Clubs, Kettlebell halos and kettlebell arm bars, then:- Kettlebell long cycle (clean & jerk) – work for 40 secs, rest for 20 secs for 10 to 12 mins. Use double or single kettlebells changing arms each working set for single kettlebells....
Warm up with punch bag work for 8 mins, then:- Work continously for 15 minutes:- Kettlebell single swings left x 15 Kettlebell single swings right x 15 Jungle Gym / rings “skin the cat” x 3 Then:- 4 rounds:- Kettlebell sea-saw press x 6 Kettlebell double...