Warm-up with 5 to 10 minutes of Indian clubs, then:- 6 rounds, resting 60 secs between rounds:- Sprawls x 6-8 Mace ball grave diggers x 8-10 Hindu push-ups on kettlebells x 10-12 Then: 4 rounds, resting 60 secs between rounds:- Med ball slams x 8 Jungle Gym / ring...
Warm up with Indian clubs for 10 mins, then:- “Battle Ropes” Works for 20 secs, rest for 40 secs for each exercise and for 2 rounds:- Alternating hands High slams Alternating side to side Side to side swipes Alternating hands in squat Simultaneous hands...
Warm up with 5 to 10 mins of agility ladder work, then:- Work for 60 secs, rest for 30 secs for 2 rounds:- Kettlebell push press Kettlebell double arm swings Kettlebell cleans Kettlebell alternating swings Agility ladder sprints Battle ropes Finisher: 5 mins...
Warm up with Indian clubs, then:- “40 AFSAP” – 40 reps in as few sets as possible going from one exercise to the next in a circuit, until done:- Double kettlebell clean and press – go heavy Jungle Gym / Rings dips Handstand push-ups on BXT...
Dynamic warm-up with 5 to 10 minutes of kettlebell swings and snatches, then:- Triple Treats – Power / Skill / Strength Endurance 4 rounds, resting 60 secs between rounds:- Plyo-push-ups x 5 (Power) Jungle Gym / Rings “skin the cat” x 4 (Skill) Hindu...
Eischens Yoga, then:- 100 reps of each AFAP (as fast as possible) with perfect form:- 1. Jungle Gym / ring body row. Advanced do 100yds of handstand walks along a wall (measure 5 yards and repeat backward and forward 10 times) 2. Kettlebell double swings 3. Medicine...
Dynamic kettlebell warm up: 5 rounds – kettlebell single arm swing x 5, kettlebell snatch x 5, left and right, then:- 4 rounds, resting 60-90 secs between rounds:- Sandbag zercher cleans x 8-10 ‘L’ sit holds on kettlebells x 6-8 Kettlebell single arm...
Warm up with a light kettlebell or Indian club swings, then:- Kettlebell snatch – work for 30 secs, rest fo 30 secs for 12 minutes. Changes hands each working set. Focus on correct form not reps. Then:- 10 mins Kettlebell long cycle practice Finisher: 100...
Joint mobility and handstands warm up, then:- Work for 20 mins, dropping 2 reps of each per round:- 20 x sprawls 20 x regular push-ups 20 x prisoner squats 20 x hip heists 60 secs agility ladder sprints Eischens...
Warm-up with Indian Club swings or general mobility, then:- 10 reps down to 1 on each of the following until done:- Kettlebell double cleans Kettlebell renegade rows (reps are per arm) Handstand push-ups on BXT Cable or decline push-ups (feet on box) Then:- Eischens...