“Cleans and Pacing”

Warm-up with single arm cleans, gradually increasing with weight or reps, then:- 3 minutes kettlebell double arm cleans @ 6 rpm Rest 1 min, then:- 2 minutes kettlebell double arm cleans @ 8 rpm Rest 1 min, then:- 2 minutes kettlebell double arm cleans @ 10 rpm Rest 1...

“kettlebell 200 Workout”

Dynamic warm-up using a lighter kettlebell than normal: Swings, cleans and push-press. Then:- “Kettlebell 200 Workout” One round as fast as possible, with perfect form:- 30 x kettlebell double arm swings 10 x kettlebell Turkish get-ups x 10 (5 right, 5...

“4 x AFAP”

Eischens Yoga, then:- 4 x rounds as fast as possible (AFAP).  All done with perfect form:- 25 x Hindu push-ups 25 x chin-ups or Jungle Gym / ring body rows 25 x 24″ box jumps 250 x skipping rope revolutions Qigong...

“Triple Treat”

Warm up with joint mobility and handstand practice then:- 3 to 5 rounds, resting 90 seconds between rounds:- Plyometric push-ups x 5 (speed & power) ‘L’ chin ups x 6 (skill) Jungle Gym / ring dips x 10-15 (strength endurance) Then:- 3 to 5 rounds,...

“Sweat Box Circuit”

Warm up with mobility work and kettlebell swings, then:- Work for 45 secs, rest for 25 secs:- Med ball slams Jungle Gym / rings body row Kettlebell clean and jerk Vertical jumps or box jumps Kettlebell renegade rows Kettlebell alternating swings Rest 2 mins, then...

“Heavy Metal”

Dynamic warm up using a med ball:- 10 x Russian twists, 10 x slams, 10x wood chops – rest and repeat for a total of 3 rounds, then:- Kettlebell double cleans x 40 in as few sets as possible – go heavy Then:- Kettlebell double press or push press x 40 in as...

“Kettlebell 20/15/10/5”

Warm up with swings and snatches using a light kettlebell, then:- Complete 20, 15, 10 and 5 reps alternating between the following for time (please note reps are per arm = 200 in total):- Kettlebell single arm snatch Kettlebell Renegade row Then:- 10 to 15 minutes...
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