Dynamic warm up, using a lighter kettlebell than normal; swings, cleans and jerks, then:- Work for 30 secs, rest for 30 secs for 12 to 15 minutes, the goal is perfect form throughout:- Double kettlebell long cycle Then:- 10 minutes Kettlebell Turkish get-ups Finisher:...
5 minute dynamic warm up using a lighter kettlebell than normal – swings, cleans, presses & snatches, then:- “Swing Fest” Double arm kettlebell swings x 20 of each with increasing weight and no rest, example:- 20 x 16kg 20 x 20kg 20x 24kg 20 x 32kg 20 x...
Dynamic warm-up – kettlebell swings, cleans and snatches using a lighter a lighter kettlebell than normal then:- Perform 10 reps down 1, alternating between each exercise until done:- Jungle Gym / ring dips Kettlebell clean and press (reps are for both right and...
Joint mobility and light kettlebell warm-up, then:- Complete the following for time, with perfect form, working continuously or keeping rests minimal:- 40 x kettlebell double arm swings 10 x kettlebell Turkish get-ups ( 5 per arm) 20 x kettlebell snatches – left...
5 to 10 minutes warm up on the punch bag and speed ball, then:- 6 rounds, resting 30 secs between rounds:- 1 minute heavy punch bag combinations 10 x plyometric push-ups 10 x med ball slams 10 x sprawls Then:- Sandbag zercher cleans x 40 in as few sets as possible,...
Dynamic kettlebell warm up using a light kettlebell – 5 x swings, 5 x cleans, 5 x clean and press – left and right for 3 rounds, then:- Complete 8 to 10 rounds, resting 30 to 60 secs between rounds:- Kettlebell snatch right x 10 Kettlebell snatch left x 10...
Dynamic warm up using a medicine ball: 3 rounds: 10 x Russian twists, 10 x slams, 10 x wood chops left and right, then:- Work for 15 secs, rest for 15 secs on the following:- First 5 mins – kettlebell snatches – change arm each working set Second 5 mins...
Dynamic warm up using a lighter kettlebell than normal – swing, cleans, clean and press, halos, good mornings, then:- Card Deck To perform the card deck workout, start with a fully shuffled deck of playing cards (52 cards). All face cards (Jack, Queen, and King)...
5 to 10 min dynamic warm-up using a lighter kettlebell than normal – swings, cleans and clean and press, then:- Kettlebell clean and press ladders 3 x (1,2,3,4, 5…) – left and right using your ‘regular’ weight, e.g. 24kg Then:-...