Warm up with joint mobility and Indian Clubs, then:- Allow for recovery between sets:- 100 x alternating kettlebell swings with no or little rest 4 mintes kettlebell clean and press – 1 min per arm @ min of 8 rpm 60 x kettlebell snatches – 30 left, 30...
Warm up with light kettlebell swings and cleans, then:- Kettlebell Snatch (6 x 5) x 3 – perform 3 rounds of 3 sets of 5 reps per arm, resting 30 -60 secs between rounds. So that’s 30 reps per round. Be fluid and athletic, working on perfect form Then:- 4...
Warm-up with Indian Clubs and Chinese T Cups, then:- Kettlebell single arm long cycle (clean & jerk) – 90 secs to 2 mins per arm for 3 rounds Rest 2 mins Kettlebell single arm snatch – 90 secs to 2 mins per arm for 3 rounds Rest mins Kettlebell...
Dynamic med ball warm up: 10 x slams, 10 x Russian twists, 10 x wood-chops for 3 rounds, then:- “Sandbag 300” From an idea my Matthew Palfrey 100 x Sandbag bear hug squats 100 x Sandbag jerks 100 x Sandbag zercher cleans Complete in any order, in any...
Warm up with Indian Clubs and Kettlebell cleans, then:- “40/20 Kettlebell Snatch Workout” Work for 40 secs, rest for 20 secs for 12 minutes, change arms each working set. Core: ‘L’ sits on parallettes, rings or kettlebells: 5 x 20 secs, 10 x...
Warm up with rope skipping, then:- 5 rounds, resting 30 secs between rounds:- 2 minutes heavy punch bag combos 20 x Med ball slams 15 x Sprawls Then:- 5 rounds, resting 60 secs between rounds:- 5 x 24″ to 32″ box jumps Kettlebell double cleans x 10...
TNT cable warm up: Presses, pulls and Russian twist for 3 rounds, then:- 20/15/10/5 Workout Perform 20, 15, 10 & 5 reps on each of the following for time:- Double Kettlebell swings Kettlebell Renegade rows (reps are per arm) Push-ups on kettlebells Power Wheel...
Dynamic warm up using a lighter kettlebell than normal: Alternating clean to snatch – 10 on each side for 2 rounds, then:- 5 rounds with 60 secs rest between rounds:- Sledge hammer tyre strikes x 20 (10 per side) Kettlebell snatch right x 10 Kettlebell snatch...
Warm up with joint mobility and Indian clubs, then:- 4 to 5 rounds with no rest between exercises and 60 secs rest between rounds:- Kettlebell squat to press x 10 Kettlebell double arm swings x 20 (go heavy) Then:- 4 to 5 rounds with no rest between exercises and 60...
Warm up with joint mobility and / or Indian clubs, then:- “15/15 Kettlebell Clean and Press” Work for 15 secs, rest for 15 secs for 20 minutes (40 working sets!). Change arm each set. Goal = 5 reps per set = 200 reps in total. Then:- Kettlebell double...