Dynamic warm-up using Indian clubs and kettlebell single cleans, then:- Work for 40 secs, rest for 20 secs for 8 to 10 working sets – Kettlebell double cleans – total weight >50% body-weight. Target reps should be 8 to 10 per working set with control....
Warm up with joint mobility and rope skipping then:- Complete 12, 10, 8, 6, 4 and 2 reps for each exercise for each round:- Hanging leg raises Med ball slams or battle rope slams Kettlebell renegade rows Kettlebell clean and press Box jumps Finisher: 100 x kettlebell...
Indian club warm up, then:- Drop to a lower kettlebell weight than normal and complete 5 rounds of the following, without rest:- Kettlebell single arm swing left x 10 Kettlebell snatch left x 10 Kettlebell single arm swing right x 10 Kettlebell snatch right x 10 Rest...
Warm up with Indian club work, then:- Complete 5 rounds of the following AFAP (as fast as possible – with good form):- 10 x Kettlebell snatches – 5R/5L 10 x Burpees 10 x Sledgehammer tyre strikes or med ball slams Then:- 5 minutes Kettlebell windmills Qigong...
Dynamic warm up using a lighter kettlebell than normal – swings, cleans & snatches, then:- Work for 40 secs rest for 20 secs for 3-4 rounds:- Sprints on agility ladders Kettlebell snatch left Battle ropes Sprawls Kettlebell snatch left Med ball touch downs...
Dynamic body-weight warm-up for 3 rounds:- Hip Heists x 10, vertical jumps x 10, push-ups x 10, then:- “15/15 workout” Kettlebell single arm snatches; work 15 seconds, rest 15 seconds for 12 minutes (24 working sets) – change arms each working set. Target = 6 to 8...