“Kettlebell Snatch Pyramid”

Warm-up with kettlebell swings and cleans using a lighter kettlebell than normal, then:- “Kettlebell Snatch Pyramid”:- Perform 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 9, 8, 7, 5, 3 kettlebell snatches per arm for time; alternating between left and right. Finisher: 6 mins...

“Simple & Strong”

3 Dimensional warm up using a medball – 10 x throw downs, 10 x Russian twists and 10 x wood chops (left and right) – repeat for 2 to 3 circuits, then:- 4 rounds with recovery between exercises / rounds:- Double kettlebell push press – 8 to 12 reps...

“30/30 Clean & Jerk”

Warm up with kettlebell cleans, progressively increasing weight, then:- “30/30 Clean & Jerk”:- Work for 30 secs, rest for 30 secs for 20 minutes – change arms each working set. Then:- Indian Clubs
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