“Core Strength and Ballistics Workout”

Joint mobility and Indian clubs, then:- 3 rounds, resting 30 secs between rounds:- Alternating kettlebell cleans x 20 Powerwheel roll outs x 20 Then:- 3 rounds, resting 30 secs between rounds:- Alternating kettlebell high pull x 20 Kettlebell half get-up x 10 (each...

“36:36 Kettlebell Snatch”

Dynamic warm-up using a lighter kettlebell than normal – swings, cleans and half-snatches, then:- “36:36 Kettlebell Snatch” Work for 36 secs, rest for 36 secs – kettlebell single arm snatch for 12 to 20 rounds depending on conditioning. Change...
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