“Intensity Pyramid”

Eischens Yoga warm-up, then:- 5 rounds, resting 60 secs between rounds:- 10 x Regular push-ups 5 x Plyo push-ups 5 x Hindu push-ups Then:- 5 rounds, resting 60 secs between rounds:- 20 x Box squats 10 x Box / tyre plyo-jumps (24″ to 32″) 5 x double...

“15/15 x 5 mins each exercise”

Warm up with 5 to 10 mins handstands / walking on hands practice, then:- Work for 15 secs, rest for 15 secs for 5 mins (10 working sets):- Double kettlebell clean and press Rest 2 minutes, then:- Work for 15 secs, rest for 15 secs for 5 mins (10 working sets):-...

“10-1 Prison Workout”

Eischens Yoga, then:- Alternate between the following exercises from 10 reps down to 1 until done:- Handstand push-ups on BXT cable Pull-ups Rest 2 mins, then repeat the same 10-1 format on the following pair:- Double kettlebell cleans Powerwheel...
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