3 Dimensional warm up using a medball – 10 x throw downs, 10 x Russian twists and 10 x wood chops (left and right) – repeat for 2 to 3 circuits, then:- 4 rounds with recovery between exercises / rounds:- Double kettlebell push press – 8 to 12 reps...
Bodyweight warm up: 10 x heists, 10 x bodyweight squats, 10 x push-ups for 3 rounds, then:- “Strength Circuit” Complete 3 rounds with sufficient rest between each exercise to ensure that you are fresh:- Double kettlebell or barbell dead lifts – 6 to...
Dynamic warm-up using a lighter kettlebell than normal – swings, cleans and presses, then:- “20/15/10/5” Perform 20 of each exercise, then 15, then 10 then 5. Keep rests minimal and use perfect from:- Kettlebell double cleans Rings / Jungle Gym body...
Dynamic body-weight warm up: 10 x Hindu squats, 5 x sprawls, 5 x push-ups, for 3 rounds, then:- “100 Metre Workout” = handstand walking for 10o metres in as few sets as possible. Pick one of the following depending on your level:- Toes on wall and walk...
Don’t count reps, don’t use the timer, just work instinctively and practice! Indian clubs Handstands and walking on hands Push-ups variations: Hindu push-up, rolling push-ups, scorpion push-ups, plyo-push-ups, Iranian push-ups Chin-ups and bar work; Kips,...
Dynamic warm up for 5 to 10 minutes on the punchbag and speed ball, then:- 5 rounds, resting 60 secs between rounds:- Plyo-push-ups x 5 @ max effort Handstand wall walk ups (toes on wall) x 3-5 Jungle Gym / ring dips x 8-12 Then:- 10 to 15 minutes kettlebell jerk...