“AMAP in 10 Minutes”

5 to 10 minutes warm up using a lighter kettlebell than normal: swings, cleans and presses, then:- As Many As Possible In 10 Minutes  (with perfect form):- Kettlebell clean and press Rest 2 minuted, then:- 6 rounds, resting 1 minute between rounds:- Sprawl to sandbag...

“Sandbag Power Workout”

Mobility warm up, then:- 5 rounds, resting 1 minute between rounds:- Sprawl to sandbag overhead throw x 5 Sandbag cleans x 5 Rest 3 mins, then 5 rounds, resting 1 minute between rounds:- Kettlebell double  cleans x 8 24″ to 32″ box jumps Eischens Yoga...
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