“Strike and Clean”

Dynamic warm up using a light kettlebell: Cleans, jerks and snatches, then:- 6 rounds, resting 30 secs between rounds:- Sledge hammer tyre strikes x 10 Kettlebell double cleans (go heavy) x 5 Then:- Kettlebell double jerks x 30 (or single 30 each side) Then:-...

“Sledge Hammer Workout”

Dynamic warm-up using a med ball; 10 x Russian twists, 10 x wood chops (5R, 5 L), 10 x throw downs. Do three rounds resting 60 secs between rounds, then:- Sledge hammer tyre strikes – 10lb to 16lb sledgie:- 30 secs diagonal strikes – right 20 secs rest 30...

“Sledgehammer Ladder of Hell”

“Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness” ~Edward Stanley Warm up with 5 to 10 minutes of skipping drills: Alternate feet, side to sides, cross-overs, then:- Complete the following ladders...
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