“Sandbag Conditioning Workout”

Dynamic warm-up for 5 mins using a light kettlebell – use a combination of swings, cleans, presses and jerks, then:- Sandbag workout – for strength & power:- 5 rounds for time (keep any rests short):- Sandbag cleans x 5 Sandbag shouldering x 8 (4 each...

“Block Kettlebell Session”

Mobility warm-up, then:- Perform continuous cycles of the below kettlebell exercises for 4 rounds – 3 minutes per round, resting 60 secs between round.  Swap arms after each cycle:- Kettlebell single arm swings x 5 Kettlebell single arm cleans x 5 Kettlebell...

“Sandbag Circuit”

Joint mobility warm up, then:- From an idea by Matthew Palfrey – As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes:- Men aim for a 35kg sandbag; women aim for 15kg. 5 x Jungle Gym / ring pull-ups 10 x Sandbag push-press 15 x Sandbag back squats Finisher:- Sledgehammer...

“Cleans and Jerks”

Joint mobility, then warm-up with 5 minutes of single arm kettlebell cleans, swings and presses using a lighter kettlebell than normal, then:- Work for 60 secs, rest for 60 secs for 6 to 8 rounds:- Double kettlebell cleans Then:- Work for 40 secs, rest for 40 secs for...
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