“Burpee and Pull-up Combo”

Eischens Yoga, then:- For time:- 25 x burpees 1 x pull-up 20 x burpees 2 x pull-ups 15 x burpees 3 x pull-ups 10 x burpees 4 x pull-ups 5 x burpees 5 x pull-ups Finisher:- Hindu push-ups or regular push-ups x...

“30/30 x 8 minutes each pair”

Dynamic body weight warm-up: 3 exercises, 10 reps of each, rest 30 to 60 secs between rounds: Regular push-ups, squats jumps, sit-outs. Then:- 30 seconds of work, then 30 seconds of rest alternating between each exercise in the pairing. Continue for 4 sets then move...

“Clean and Press Ladders”

Dynamic warm up using a lighter kettlebell than normal, then straight into clean and press ladders using a heavy kettlebell. The kettlebell ladder is a fantastic way to build up to a peak within your kettlebell session. Ladders are sets of reps starting at any number...

“Sweat Box”

“It never gets easier, you just get stronger. You’ve only got three choices in life — give up, give in, or give it all you’ve got” Dynamic warm-up using a lighter kettlebell than normal: Swings, cleans, presses and pulls, then:- Single arm kettlebell snatches or...

“Fighter Strength Circuit

Warm up with light punch bag drills, then:- 3 rounds, resting 60 secs between rounds:- 60 secs heavy punch bag work 60 secs speed rope skipping 60 secs cable duck unders (cable at waist height parallel to floor) 6 x Kettlebell Turkish get ups  (3 each side) 30 secs of...
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