“The only exercise some people get is jumping to conclusions, running down their friends, side-stepping responsibility, and pushing their luck!” Dynamic mobility med ball warm-up: 10 x throw downs, 10 x Russian twists, 10 x wood chops (left and right). ...
Eischens Yoga, then:- Complete 10,20,30,40,30,20,10 reps of the below. Go through all exercises hitting the first set of reps then repeat hitting the next set of reps until you’ve gone completely up and back down. Do this workout as fast as possible but with...
Eischens Yoga, then:- “Squat and Snatch” 10 rounds for time:- 10 x Hindu squats 10 x single arm kettlebell snatches Finisher:- 100 metres x lateral handstand walks (toes on wall) in as few sets as possible
Dynamic warm up using TNT cables / cable bands: 10 x swimmers, 10 x front press, 20 x alternate horizontal rows, rest 30 secs and complete 3 rounds, then:- “20/20 Workout” Work for 20 secs, rest for 20 secs for 4 rounds:- Sledge hammer tyre strikes or med...
Short Term Interval Training can help you improve cardiovascular fitness, increase speed, improve overall aerobic power, break through plateaus, reach new exercise levels, expand your workout options and increase your workout threshold – just to name a few!...
Warm up with 10 minutes of handstands practice, then:- Complete 8 reps per exercise and repeat for 4 rounds, resting 1 minute between rounds:- Kettlebell push-up to alternate kettlebell renegade rows= 1 rep – do 8 reps in total Jungle Gym / ring hanging leg...