IKFF Kettlebell Certification

Earn your CKT



I’m currently taking a break from group IKFF Kettlebell Certifications, however I’m am still available for a 1-2-1 Certification.

Please contact me for further details.


I am delighted to offer the International Kettlebell and Fitness Federation (IKFF) CKT1 qualification.

Unlike many fitness certifications, you cannot buy an IKFF certification; you must earn it through commitment to the program. The IKFF leads the way globally in kettlebell education and it continues to evolve through cutting edge athletic training and conditioning.

The Certified Kettlebell Trainer CKT course standardises safe and effective kettlebell exercise and guides fitness professionals in the art of teaching kettlebells to the fitness-minded and sporting public. The CKT dives deeply into the precise study of kettlebell exercises and provides a principled-based approach to sustainable fitness through the mastery of the kettlebell.

The IKFF provides an holistic approach to fitness, performance and well-being, based upon the blending of body and mind and is integrated with the 5 pillars of the IKFF Kettlebell system:









  • Swing
  • Clean
  • Press 
  • Clean and press
  • Jerk
  • Long cycle clean and jerk
  • Snatch
  • Squat
  • Assistance drills
Click Here to learn more
  1. The classical kettlebell lifts and their variations.
  2. Learning how to differentiate between the different types of breathing and how to apply them.
  3. How to properly execute all of the competition lifts involved in Kettlebell Sport.
  4. How you can still achieve all of your fitness goals despite the challenge of limited time.
  5. How to design a program for any fitness goal you or your clients may have; strength, endurance, work capacity and mobility.
  6. Mobility and flexibility work specific to kettlebell training.
  7. The necessary drills needed to help ensure you and your clients learn all the lifts safely.
  8. Unique assistance exercises for competition training.
  9. How to dramatically reduce hand fatigue and tears in the snatch.
  10. Learn what is YOUR best rack position.
  11. How kettlebells train your body to effectively manage any type of force encountered in the real world.
  12. How to create the “blueprint” necessary for achieving mastery in Kettlebell sport.
  13. Learn how to integrate time-based training and volume based training for extraordinary results.
  14. Why kettlebells make you more resistant to injury.
  15. Why learning to regulate your tension is a huge must in improving the efficiency of your lifts.
  16. Why the neutral hand position allows you to avoid the typical ‘pump’ that is normally associated with high-repetition training.




The IKFF prides itself on producing coaches that are the gold standard in the industry, thus, our criteria for passing is strict.

All CKT Level 1 candidates must pass a stringent assessment to complete the requirements and achieve IKFF CKT distinction. The appraisal is the performance of all level 1 lifts; form is checked to assure effective understanding and performance of the lifts. 

All candidates must pass the Level 1 fitness test detailed below. This is a test of minimum standards and a building block for continuous progression. 

For the coaching assessment you will be asked to conduct a 20 minute coaching session on 1 or more techniques with a student. 


Hand to hand swing: 20kg x 100 reps.

1 arm clean & press: 20kg x 2 min per hand (4 min set); minimum 8 rpm, 32 reps.

Snatch: 20kg x 60 reps, 1 hand switch.

Front squat: 20kg x 2 min, 15 rpm, 30 reps.


Hand to hand swing: 12kg x 100 reps.

1 arm clean & press: 12kg x 2 min per hand (4 min set); minimum 8 rpm, 32 reps.

Snatch: 12kg x 60 reps, 1 hand switch.

Front Squat: 12kg x 2 min, min 15 rpm, 30 reps.

The above is performed one exercise right after the next with no rest.

Women under 45kg can use 8kg and men under 60kg can use 16kg; men and women over 55 years of age can use 16kg and 8kg respectively.

If a candidate is unable to successfully demonstrate competence in one of more of the Level 1 criteria, they will receive an IKFF Certificate of Participation and will need to subsequently demonstrate correction of the criteria or fitness test.  This can be accomplished by attending a review level 1 course, testing in person or by providing video evidence of the corrections.

Upon, registration of this IKFF CKT1 certification you will receive:

  1. Pre-course kettlebell training guide
  2. CKT Level 1 fitness test prep
  3. Schedule of the course

Post Certification Benefits

  • IKFF CKT high-performance T-Shirt
  • Numerous kettlebell ebooks
  • Use of IKFF logos
  • Eligible for continued education
  • Member of a globally recognised organisation


Early bird:

£500 GBP

Existing CKTs less than 3 years:

re-certify for only £150 GBP

Existing CKTs greater than 3 years:

re-certify for only £300 GBP

Alternatively you can book a private 1-2-1 IKFF Certification for £750.

This is a two day 1-2-1 certification, please contact me for further information.

For more information about the IKFF CKT Certification


“Excellent IKFF L1 weekend thanks! Great tutor, great course, highly recommended”

– Mark Johnson, Whole Health Studio, Gainsborough

“Doing my IKFF CKT Course has broadened my scope of what’s physically possible with a kettlebell”

– Megan Cox, Axe and Dagger Fitness, Coventry

“Really enjoyed it and learned a lot. So much fine tuning of technique and efficiency of the movements. There is always so much you can learn”

– Ryan Wells, former Royal Marine and owner of Axe and Dagger Fitness, Coventry

“Thank you to Mike for guiding me through this. If not for his advise, patience and constantly being positive I wouldn’t have managed to finish the fitness test”

Manoj Krishan DevasudanColombo, Sri Lanka

“Thanks to Mike Eves for running a great course! I’m going to sleep well tonight”

– Darren Veitch, Survival Instructor, Oxford

“Thanks Mike for teaching all the fine details”

– Barry Andre, founder of the Rotterdam Kettlebell Academy, Netherlands

“Learnt so much this weekend from Mike, he’s truly a kettlebell master!”

– Pete Galliot, UK BJJ Champion, Guernsey

“Mike oozed enthusiasm and professionalism from start to finish. His experience to know exactly how to cue me most effectively/efficiently for the most important technical issues without overwhelming, made it clear to me that he is worthy of the ‘master’ title – a term I see far too often abused these days”

– Martin Lowe, Fitness Trainer and Martial Artist, Brooklyn, United States

“Throughout my CKT weekend, Mike tirelessly took me through the modules, passionately and patiently explaining how to efficiently use a kettlebell. Amazing weekend with a true expert in his field. “

– Stuart Hook, Kettlebell enthusiast, Swindon

“I thoroughly enjoyed the weekend, it was certainly more of a challenge than I expected, but that’s no bad thing”

– Chris Ashworth, Crossfit Trainer, Halifax

“Thanks for your excellent coaching, I learnt a lot to reinforce knowledge of kettlebells and not only that, the way you have communicated after the course has also been very helpful with the information you have sent”

– David Popoola, Alphalifting, Birmingham

“Mike is a very experienced and excellent practitioner and instructor”

– Steve Cotter, IKFF President and Director

“Mike is one of our very best instructors”

– Ken Blackburn, IKFF International Team Leader, Director of Kettlebell Competitions

Contact Mike:

United Kingdom

Phone: M: 07754 569353

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